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  /    /  BTV, FRAGRANCE  /  Grace 100ml

Grace 100ml


When a perfume has the wow factor, the world sits up and takes notice. And here, captured in Grace, is the wow factor in abundance. There’s an easy refinement about the perfectly balanced floral middle notes and the zesty lemon-to-lime top level, while vanilla and arboreal essences swell the emotive base

10 in stock

SKU: BTV-GRA Categories: , Brand:


When a perfume has the wow factor, the world sits up and takes notice. And here, captured in Grace, is the wow factor in abundance. There’s an easy refinement about the perfectly balanced floral middle notes and the zesty lemon-to-lime top level, while vanilla and arboreal essences swell the emotive base. Graced by beautiful Boadicea the Victorious packaging, it is the ideal choice for combining old fashioned decorum with up to the minute precocity – the epitome of gracious living that is finding favour with an ever-growing band of scent socialites.